Dear One Day With God Participant,
I’m so glad that you were able to be a part of our One Day With God camp. I want to commend you once again for stepping up and doing what it took to be a part of this special day. I know it wasn’t easy, however, by showing up, you made a powerful statement to your child and those around you—you are committed to being a better dad. That’s huge!
Whether you realize it or not, in the eyes of many of the men you are seen as a leader. Many are probably curious about what you experienced that Saturday. While you received valuable resources and heard impactful messages, I believe you also witnessed firsthand the love that can only come from the Spirit. It was truly an extraordinary day, made even more remarkable by the fact that it all took place within prison walls!
Our goal is reconciliation and for you be to a better man and dad. If you don’t mind, I’d like to share a few insights that have helped me along the way. Please take these thoughts in the spirit they’re offered, knowing that we are for you!
- First, we are ALL banged up, bruised, and broken. None of us has the high ground or is beyond instruction or help. Also, just so it’s clear, none of us has done “being a dad” perfectly or without some mistakes. But being men of integrity, we want to do better—regardless of where we are in life.
- Next, Identity. It’s important for each of us to have a solid identity. Identity is something no one can take from us. When it comes to such, our athleticism, intellect, looks, possessions, clothing, location, status in life, etc. do not define who we are. And neither do our sins and mistakes. What is critical is that we find our identity and worth in something bigger than ourselves—knowing you are loved and belong to Jesus.
- Be Thankful. If you want to find joy and hope in life, even while incarcerated, a Gratitude List is a must. Start today—write down one thing for which you are thankful and give thanks for it. Day one can be as simple as, “Lord thank you for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.” Then tomorrow, write another and pray over that. Let’s say it’s your child: “Lord, thank you for my life and thank you for my son. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Each day, add something new, reflect on your list, and pray over it. Do this every day, and before long, you’ll have a list of numerous things for which you are thankful. It’s difficult to lack the joy of Christ when you are deeply grateful.
- Find Freedom. Remember Paula’s words when she spoke on Friday about freedom. She referenced the Prayer Cards and mentioned that one of the dads wrote that he hoped that the prison would “set him free” so he could go home to be with his family. Do you remember her response? She said: “The prison can release you, but the prison cannot set you free.” Don’t ever forget that! Freedom can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have met some amazing Spirit-filled men in this ministry whose circumstances mirror yours, yet they have more freedom, more peace and more joy than many of the people we see on the outside—even in churches sometimes. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
- Let go of the past and move on. As believers, we are to “forget the things that are behind.” (Philippians 3:13) Sometimes people phrase it as “forgiving ourselves.” It’s the same concept and vitally important. The person who lives in the “coulda, shoulda, woulda’s,” will never experience freedom. So, when challenges arise, after the fact, ask yourself three questions: 1) What did I do well? 2) What did I do poorly? And, most importantly, 3) What will I do differently? Gather your lesson and then—move on! Don’t go back and wring your hands over what’s done. Find peace in the forgiveness of God and look to the future.
- I’d encourage you to carve out time each day to just read Scripture, even if you’re not sure you believe it. Start with John and then one of the other Gospels—Matthew, Mark, or Luke—then move on to Acts. The Word works on our hearts. So, as you read, ask God to help, listen and lean into where He leads you.
- Do the work. You’ve been provided with some valuable resources—books, teachings, mentoring, and more. Take the time look through these and reflect on who you want to become. Then, each day, commit to becoming that man. I’ve never met anyone who regretted putting in the work. It’s a journey.
- Finally, remember that life is full of stepping stones. God can take you from this, to this, to this—just like He did with Joseph. Your story is still unfolding, and better days are ahead. Keep following Jesus, hold on to hope, and know that we’re all praying for you.
Brother, you showed up for the camp; now it’s time to show up for your child. Keep the commitments you made. It would have been better that your child had not come to the camp than for you to break the promises you made. I know that with God’s help, you can honor those promises and be the father they need. Remember, a Spirit-filled man is a force to be reckoned with.
I know that you can be that man!
You are loved!
Forgiven Ministry Team