At our “One Day with God” Camps, we aim to create a redemptive environment for children, their incarcerated dads, and their caregivers. We recognize that caregivers, who shoulder the burden at home, often endure significant emotional pain. Fortunately, our program is designed to support them as well. 

During our last camp, we asked our caregivers to share what touched their hearts the most and why. Their heartfelt responses reveal the profound impact of our ministry. Here are some of the touching letters we received. Caregiver Letters

Caregiver 1: “I was only present at the beginning for an hour and a half and the same at the end. From that limited exposure, I can say God’s presence was here and that’s all I wanted: for God to have His way. Every person I encountered was a blessing. Thank you for submitting to what God placed on your heart regarding this ministry. This was our first camp and our first, and hopefully only, incarceration experience and we are eternally grateful for the love and compassion.”

Caregiver 2: “Forgive others and they will forgive you. God changes people.”

Caregiver 3: “Being around like-minded and good people helps to clear my heart and mind and to remember God.”

Caregiver 4: “Forgiveness spoke to me because I’ve been holding so much hate and hurt in my heart, and this program helped me understand how much forgiveness means. Thank you for this program. Thank you for this great time.”

Caregiver 5: “The program was awesome. It gives kids time to spend with their dad one-on-one.”

These testimonies are pretty amazing and affirm that we are on track and making a meaningful impact and, on a personal note, they highlight the powerful ways God touches each life. 

Our prayer is that the children, dads, caregivers, our ministry team, and all of our volunteers will continue on the path of love that was set forth on Saturday, June 15, 2024.  And may it just be the beginning!

You are loved!
