Fireflies and Finding Hope

Fireflies and Finding Hope

Sitting on the deck the other night, I watched fireflies speckling the yard with their glow, just one more example of an amazing Creator. Those lights brought back childhood memories of running around in a little river town in Illinois, chasing them down and putting...
Hope for Caregivers

Hope for Caregivers

At our “One Day with God” Camps, we aim to create a redemptive environment for children, their incarcerated dads, and their caregivers. We recognize that caregivers, who shoulder the burden at home, often endure significant emotional pain. Fortunately, our...
Focused Hearts Bring Hope

Focused Hearts Bring Hope

Have you ever wondered if you were making a difference?  Has the thought of having missed the focus of Christianity ever crossed your mind?  Or maybe you’ve reflected on whether or not your time has been well spent for the Kingdom?  If you have, you’re not alone.   On...
Finding Peace in the Darkest Times

Finding Peace in the Darkest Times

Have you ever had peace in the midst of a storm?  Or has calmness ever washed over you when your life was upside down?  As believers, those moments frequent our lives and when they do—it’s special and unexplainable. It was in one of those upside-down stormy...
Compassion Walks Loudly!

Compassion Walks Loudly!

Here’s a story from nearly 10 years ago titled, “How We Walk with the Broken Speaks Louder Than How We Sit with the Great!”  Before you read about a past encounter Scottie had with a homeless man, there are a couple of relevant things to consider.  First, the Wise Man...