My Teacher has Down-Syndrome

My Teacher has Down-Syndrome

Every now and then, I like to veer off the usual path and shift the focus of my posts. Today, I want to reflect on a teacher. Do you remember a teacher in your childhood who stood out during your early years? For me, it was Mrs. Broman, my 2nd grade homeroom teacher....
The Power of the Father’s Legacy

The Power of the Father’s Legacy

At each of our One Day with God (ODWG) Camps, one of the most profound moments is the Father’s Blessing. While we don’t see much that much in our culture, it’s certainly biblical, being seen in the lives of the patriarchs.  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob each set...
Promises Made, The Journey Continues

Promises Made, The Journey Continues

Dear One Day With God Participant, I’m so glad that you were able to be a part of our One Day With God camp. I want to commend you once again for stepping up and doing what it took to be a part of this special day.  I know it wasn’t easy, however, by showing up,...
No Longer on Her Knees, But Still in the Battle

No Longer on Her Knees, But Still in the Battle

We just concluded our camp in St. Louis, Michigan. What a great camp and wonderful group of volunteers. I really can’t express enough how rewarding and enjoyable it was to work with Kink and his Michigan team. One piece of each ODWG camps is the Prayer Cards. We have...
Finding Meaning Behind Bars in Tennessee

Finding Meaning Behind Bars in Tennessee

This past weekend in West Tennessee was truly one to remember. What made this camp unique was that it marked our first-ever West Tennessee camp. A month before the event, we weren’t even sure it would happen due to the Chaplain’s departure, leaving us without our key...